ACAI 2024

ACAI 2024

2024 7th International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ACAI 2024) was held successfully in Guangzhou, China during December 20-22, 2024, organized by Guangdong University of Technology, sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Guangzhou Section, Robotics Society of Singapore, Nanjing University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), China (广东工业大学主办,IEEE, IEEE 广州分会,新加坡机器人协会,南京大学,香港科技大学(广州)赞助 ). During the conference, five notable speakers: Prof. James Tin Yau KWOK from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Prof. Qiu Daowen from Sun Yat-sen University, Prof. Chun-Yi Su from Guangdong University of Technology, Prof. Li Chen from Sun Yat-sen University, Assoc. Prof. Xie Ming from Nanyang Technological University, attended the conference and gave the speech to share their latest research.



ACAI 2024 Best presenter

Session I:

Dongkun Han, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Title: A Class of Nature Language Processing Technologies for Developing a Chatbot in Engineering Experiential Education

Session II:

Jinyi Qi, University of California, Davis, USA

Title: Regularized Positronium Lifetime Image Reconstruction Using Kernel Method

Session I (Online):

Grace Iordanov, Bellevue Digital Discovery, USA

Title: Integrating Knowledge Graphs into Large Language Models for Enhanced Domain-Specific NLP

Session II (Online):

Firas Jolha, Innopolis University, Russia

Title: Predictive Modeling of In-Hospital Mortality in ICU Heart Failure Patients Using Machine Learning Techniques